Friday, July 29, 2005


200 Bottles reminded me of a song lyric I (well whole CD, Turn on Your Bright Lights) I've been digging lately, and I was so sure I'd misheard it so just looked it up for the sake of blogaccuracy, and I'll be (grim right, whoda thunk?), I heard it right. the whole refrain for good measure..

sleep tight, grim right, we have two hundred couches
where you can sleep tight, grim right, we have two hundred couches
where you can sleep tight, grim right, we have two hundred couches
where you can sleep tonight, sleep tonight, sleep tonight, sleep tonight

Of course, I'm only into this band because the lead singer sounds like Ian Curtis of Joy Division. At least that's what I'll say if I ever suck it up to go to one of their all-ages shows. (The dreamy guitars and vocals that sound like they're calling you from the other end of a subway tunnel are pretty hot too.)

Remember being at all ages shows and seeing a couple of clearly another age category rocking out and hearing someone say, "dude, who brought their parents?" ...Get behind me botox!


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