Monday, March 13, 2006

It is city tradition to dye the river green and move St. Patty’s up to the weekend before so that Saturday and Sunday may be for parade-making and unceasing green merry. Like New Year’s we have no part of this. It may have slimmed the turnout for last night’s Jules reading at Myopic, and that of Bill M. who in the end abstained, or just told us about his reading which he said was the same basic thing as the reading itself… made for a special-feeling, private darkened corner of bookstore reading- Jules'- with slides of Ronald Regan. And the new book- Jules'- really very new- in existence for 3 days- and the work an exhilarating rhetorical smash-up that made me want to drop everything and get political. Afterwards drinks at Rodan where Bill said it was the end of copyright awareness week and J who explained the films he remixes without so far getting sued joined us just prior to the arrival of food. There was talk of surveillance, cyrptonesia, identity theft, the once-held belief that one could cut open any part of the body and find evidence of insanity. And there was staying up late and feeling sadly not enough weekend left, and waking up this morning unusually before the alarm and hour of snooze, more unseasonable warmth- fog and in the sixties going to work followed by bp elevating frustration at crashing old operating systems, so much so that I had to go to the gym in the building and get on a machine and pretend to be chased. Then outside to get lunch and the police have the building surrounded, flashing cars parked askew blocking roads and yellow tape. Thinking: bomb threat? No one evacuated the building, I’ll just get some quick noodles and issue self a reminder that tonight 24 is on, maybe Edgar really didn’t get killed. Getting back inside you eat noodles and forget about potential got-the-building-surrounded danger and see an email that explains debris was blown off adjacent, under-construction building . Isn’t that right, second person? Yes, and more snow is expected this evening.


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