Monday, November 14, 2005

weekend (too) shorthand

friday: write about:
mca's tropicalia exhibit, lygia clark
discrete event, post pix
more new poetry folks in town- new discrete regulars?
talks about reassessment of importance of writing and writing communities in light of current events, and yet, what political work can juxtaposition do?
wondering: how much of one's creative practice during any one week/month/year is listening?
etg off to california after a good catch-up few days.
covered in ecru for the sake of a gallery wall in new 3030 space, a curious spot above a chinese restaurant. owners left mannequin in a red silk thong- a wish for good fortune?
marionette legs from (ecru) painting over mall miles in holiday research. picked up john dewey's art as experience because i can't get lygia clark's work out of my head. otherwise sad with all the glitter and calls to desire. tired, home, watched melinda and melinda and will ferrell makes an excellent woody allen sub. hilarious scene at the end when he justifies having sex with a republican.


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